Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Happy 19th Birthday Zach

Today would be Zach's 19th birthday...

I don't have much to say other than we all miss him so very much.  I feel as though I've been ripped apart...a part of me has left.  As Zach's mom, I continue to pray and hope that NO OTHER chooses to end their life.  The pain your family is left with is unspeakable.  Not just your parents, but your sisters and/or brothers, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, friends, friends of friends.  Even the little guys you think won't notice or remember... know that they DO!  

Today I want to call my son and sing "HAPPY BIRTHDAY ZACH" and tell him how awesome he is, how loved he is, how proud I am of him growing into this amazing, loving man...He was doing it!  He had his own place, he was taking care of his responsibilities, he was doing well.  And then I got that call...he was gone.  I even asked, "Is he okay???"  and the answer was screamed at me over the phone "NO!!  HE'S GONE!"  

Please, if you or someone you know is acting suicidal don't wait for someone, call 911...who cares if that person gets mad at you!  You could be saving their life!

Dear Zach,

I love you so very much! I wish you were here so I could call you and tell you Happy Birthday!  I wish I were preparing that trip to bring your truck out to  you!  You accomplished so much in your 18 years, I can only think of what would have been.  

I love you so much Zach...Happy 1st Heaven Birthday,

Mom <3

Please note* We are NOT professional therapists or grief counselors!  We are only here to provide articles and resources we have found to be helpful in dealing with our own grief.  If you or someone you know is considering suicide - PLEASE seek PROFESSIONAL help IMMEDIATELY!
Call 911 or the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255! 

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